Tuesday, December 12, 2006

They Have No Idea What I Could Do

I know it’s been awhile. I’ve been trying not to go online too much. It’s hard. ADEX has turned into a piece of shit liar. I’m not really sure why. I mean, one minute we’re talking about apartments, and the next he cuts me off. All I get are e-mails from his lipstick lesbo assistant. She’s Gestapo. She even sent one from her personal e-mail account: samesame@iol-mail.com.

I guess she forgot to send it from the business account. Too bad for her. You see, if you google her IOL account, it takes you to her blog, and you can learn a whole lot on that blog; like stuff about her boss, her boss’s wife, even me. I’m on there. I hope everyone goes there. I hope she gets fired for being so indiscreet. Bitch.

I called the office this morning. She wouldn’t put him on the phone. I told her that I knew about her e-mail account, and that I found her blog especially interesting. Busted! Then I told her to remind her boss that I know where he lives. I’ve seen his Fifth Avenue wife. He has no idea what I could do. She just hung up on me. They treat me like I’m a nobody who knows no one.

I wonder what they would say if they knew I was friends with David Shane, that investigative reporter for the NY Courier? He’d love to get his hands on these e-mails. And he might. In fact, I think I’m going to go up there this weekend and get in touch with David. Catch up on old times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her blog is a peace of shit. Don't worry, darling.
And she's a liar!